October 28, 2006

Easy Chili

My parents used to make this, and we make it now for a quick warm dinner on a cold day.


Ground beef
1 can kidney beans
1 can tomato soup
1 can of beans in tomato sauce
Chili powder to taste


Brown the meat. Add beans and chili powder and heat. You can also add garlic powder, or any other spices. That’s it.

Goes well with cornbread.

One Response to “Easy Chili”

  1. Thanks for that! My mum recently harvested a garden full of tomatoes before the winter really set in, and I find myself the owner of two or four buckets worth! Of course I couldnt eat them all, but I did find a website full of even more tomato recipes at that site. A whole website dedicated the topic!! Crazy what you can find on the internets these days!!