November 4, 2006

Caramel Corn


1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup margarine
1/4 cup white corn syrup
1/2 tsp. salt


Melt all these in the microwave for 2 min. in a large bowl. Stir, then boil 2 min. more in the microwave. Add 1/2 tsp. baking soda. It will get kind of foamy. Stir well.
Pop one batch of popcorn- make sure to pick out all the un-popped kernels. Pour all the popcorn into a large paper shopping bag. Pour the sauce from the microwave on top of the popcorn. Roll the top of the bag and shake it well.
Microwave the bag with the popcorn/sauce in it for 1 min. more.
Shake the bag well. Microwave 1 min. more. Done!! Be careful not to burn yourself when you open the bag and scrape it all out into a bowl.

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